The eternal wisdom
you carry as an individual
is waiting to be
discovered within you .

"Ending existential contradictions
is a mastery of life."

"Ending existential contradictions
is a mastery of life."

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It is the ability to be conscious of what is going on around us and what life brings. It is the skill of being a witness, looking at all of this without disturbing the flow of life or clouding the mind.


It is the ability of bringing back, through focusing, the unleashed potential power of the mind which has been scattered to thousands of different directions because of stray thoughts and uncontrolled emotions.


It is the ability to read the hidden reality behind every perceived thing, the inside stories of events and causes, the deeper meanings of forms and shapes, through the signs and symbols.


It is the ability to set boundaries and safeguard self-existence in order to protect oneself from random choices brought about by instinct and habit, to avoid any experience that does not support the life path to self-realization.

“Every failure encountered throughout life is really the absence of consent stuck some in time.”

— Fatma Meryem Suna


SATH Consciousness School


Life is a teaching in itself. Every mistake that can be remedied and not repeated is sacred. The SATH Consciousness School provides the necessary opportunities for conscious choices and the compensations needed on the path of life. It awakens people to their inner strength, intelligence and creativity, and guides them on the path to true inner freedom without making them dependent on anyone or anything. For this reason, it offers a person much more than personal development. It is a gateway to the possibility of bringing positive change to the world.



Soul mastery teaching of the SATH School of Awareness develops the “Spiritual Intelligence” that is the existential right and potential of every human being. Spiritual Intelligence, in its most basic and straightforward definition, is a form of psychological well-being. A state of well-being means, for a person, commitment to life, emotional balance, healthy relationships, self-acceptance, strong willpower, spiritual maturity, fulfillment and success. Spiritual Intelligence is a type of intelligence that supports the psychological well-being of every human being, provides balance and harmony between spirit, mind and body, reveals the purpose of life and unveils the necessary resources needed to put the talents related to this purpose into practice.



Certificate Programs

The Certificate Programs, requiring continuity, entail long-term, goal-oriented, disciplined, and planned education under the supervision of a master. Each stage of these programs, comprising three distinct phases, is divided into seven separate modules to facilitate the internalization and assimilation of knowledge. At each stage, the educational topics and features vary, and the programs offer dual access through online and face-to-face modalities.

Supportive Programs

Each program is a transformational and intensive retreat with unique content and approach. It prioritizes individual development by addressing the most crucial needs and pressing issues, offering mental, emotional, and somatic healing. It fosters profound insights and facilitates radical shifts in consciousness within a short timeframe.

Casual Programs

Timeless wisdom and enlightenment are accessible through online portals, welcoming seekers from every corner of the world, transcending cultural and societal boundaries in the pursuit of enlightenment. The development of spiritual intelligence aims to foster mental integrity.


A master is the individual you choose to walk together to educate yourself with in order to learn an art or to hone a craft. Conscious living, akin to mastering an art form, is achieved through the guidance of masters, where true fulfillment blossoms from the continuous cultivation of awareness, mindfulness, and personal growth.
Under the radiant guidance of enlightened  mentors, souls embark on a journey of conscious existence, channeling their spiritual essence and awakening the depths of inner wisdom.


Corporate Wisdom


Wisdom entails utilizing intuitive abilities honed through experience to perceive beyond the surface, discern extraordinary factors, and anticipate uncommon outcomes. This is the objective of Corporate Wisdom. Wisdom, as a management concept, offers strategies to enhance optimization and business intelligence, aiding decision-makers in reaching optimal and wise choices.

We Help You Enlighten Your Path by Guiding You On Your Inner Journey.

Workshops & Retreats

The Sacred Dance of Masculine and Feminine – Kundalini Wisdom

  • The Path of Masculine-Feminine-Kundalini Wisdom unfolds as a sacred journey towards enlightenment, drawing upon the ancient wisdom of Tantra to elevate and integrate the divine energies within. It heralds a profound shift in the human psyche, transcending conventional notions of gender and sexuality, and illuminating the inherent sexual aspect of universal energy, thus bestowing enlightenment upon humanity.

    The enlightened soul, radiant and whole, embodies a life of fulfillment in every facet, expanding boundlessly into a realm of infinite potential and boundless possibilities. Acting in resonance with the natural order and in unity with all beings, the illumined individual embodies harmony and completeness.

    This path of Masculine-Feminine-Kundalini unfolds as a magnificent and expansive odyssey, offering humanity a gateway to enlightenment through the senses, emotions, and sexuality—touching every aspect of human existence. The key to enlightenment lies in harnessing the innate feminine and masculine energies within, fostering a world where neither gender dominates, but instead, they walk hand in hand, in perfect equilibrium, manifesting heaven on earth.

    The divine design of Masculine-Feminine intricately weaves together the sexual and spiritual essence of humanity, offering profound acceptance and completeness to each individual. Every seeker of perfection must shed the layers of worthlessness and inadequacy, embracing the harmonious coexistence of masculine and feminine virtues within.
    To embark upon this evolutionary journey, one requires the guiding force of Kundalini, the primordial energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine, awaiting awakening. This sacred energy permeates the cosmos, birthing and sustaining existence, and within each human, it lies as a dormant reservoir of untapped potential. Through awakening this divine spark, one ascends into the infinite depths of the inner self, unveiling the fullness of existence and the boundless realms of consciousness.

Yaşam Coşkusu "Horon"

  • Horon, doğa-insan birliğinin uyanışı, şahlanışıdır,
    Horon, bahar coşkusuyla dolup taşmak, bu bayramı bedene taşımaktır, 
    Horon, nefestir; rüzgarın kendi sesine can bulmasıdır,
    Horon, harekettir; bolluk, berekete açılan kapının anahtarıdır,
    Horon, cana can katan sağlıktır.

    Kemençe ise Horon’un en büyük Aşığıdır.

    Sathmahâl Gûlîstan sizleri, Anadolu topraklarında binlerce yıllık geçmişe sahip Horon ile Kundalini enerjinizi yükselteceğiniz ve yaşamın coşkusu ile dolup taşan doğaya uyumlanacağınız bir hafta sonuna davet ediyor. 

Family Constellation Journey: Wheel of Life Therapy

  • At its core, Hellinger's methodology views the family as a cohesive entity, guiding individuals towards the revelation of harmonious coexistence. This process involves peering beyond the veil of individual consciousness, where emotions, beliefs, and behavioral patterns reside, to unveil a grand theatrical stage where familial dynamics unfold. Echoing the principles of psycho-drama, this method facilitates a broadened perspective, akin to an expansive observation deck, unveiling hidden truths and connections.
    In the practice of Family Constellations, individual struggles are not isolated but are explored in tandem with the collective burdens of kin. Here, the echoes of familial history reverberate, shaping present-day conflicts and resolutions.
    Furthermore, Family Alignment transcends the temporal confines of the present, offering karmic healing that spans across generations. Within the familial tapestry, imbalances manifest as echoes of past traumas, awaiting resolution and restoration. Through this sacred process, the energetic flow of ancestral wisdom is reinstated, fostering profound understanding and acceptance on the plane of lineage.
    Through the lens of Family Sequencing, individuals are invited to unravel the intricate tapestry of socio-cultural norms and familial traditions. This introspective journey unveils societal influences, empowering individuals to navigate belief systems and societal expectations with newfound clarity.
    On an individual level, the benefits of Family Sequencing are profound, nurturing inner growth and self-awareness. This transformative journey leads to the discovery of personal boundaries, cyclical patterns, and profound inner healing. Through this sacred exploration, individuals forge a bond of self-respect and love, ushering in a profound sense of inner harmony and balance.
    In essence, Family System Alignment heralds the promise of profound equilibrium, fostering peace and interconnectedness within the intricate web of familial relationships and individual lives.

The Phoenix - Guiding Light of Advancement

  • In the age-old legend of Simurg, a flock of birds embarks on a journey to Mount Kaf in search of the mythical Phoenix—an extraordinary creature embodying limitless intelligence, immense power, and boundless love. This enigmatic bird is said to hold the answers to all questions about existence and life. To reach their destination, the birds must traverse seven valleys, each representing a distinct stage of consciousness on the spiritual path.
    This allegorical tale mirrors the profound spiritual and evolutionary odyssey that humanity undertakes in the pursuit of their authentic selves. The seven valleys symbolize different levels of consciousness through which spiritual seekers navigate, akin to stages in their transformative journey.
    Consciousness, like  the biological evolution of all living entities, undergoes a dynamic process, gradually evolving towards its ultimate maturity. It is a vibrant, living entity with dimensions that intricately interweave. All experiences and the knowledge derived from them are stored in the recesses of consciousness. The Phoenix Classic realistically explores the transformation of consciousness and its evolution, acknowledging challenges and inspiring the motivation to overcome them.
    Human beings aspire to attain their ultimate goal of understanding the truth. Yet, simultaneously, they grapple with attachments to transient causes that captivate and consume them. Humans are, in essence, lost creatures seeking their true selves within the vast expanse of existence, with the universe of their minds resembling an ocean containing myriad valleys. Crossing this stormy and cloudy ocean to attain a pure, clear state of mind becomes the key to unveiling the immortality and true nature of consciousness.
    Within each of us resides a metaphorical phoenix, and embracing the transformative nature of our being facilitates a smoother evolution. Sooner or later, every human experiences the potential identity designed for them, and recognizing this reality within oneself becomes a privilege and a testament to the eternal cycle of transformation. Everything in the realm of existence continues to exist through transformation, but the quality and conditions of its existence are intricately tied to the transformative journey it undergoes.

Visual Ability Skills - Spiritual Insight Mastery

  • Our senses serve as the conduits through which we perceive and grasp essential knowledge in the world we inhabit. Remarkably, 80% of our learning is attributed to the sense of sight, allowing us to discern the color, shape, and quantity of objects.
    The intricate process of seeing unfolds as light, reflected from objects, traverses the eye's lens, transmitting signals to our visual center via the optic nerve—an intricate network of millions of nerve fibers. What we perceive is the manifestation of light, and the visual cortex, akin to a control room, determines the interpretation of these frequencies. Acting as a monitoring hub, it converts the light into electrical signals, shaping our perception of the external world. Essentially, all visual experiences transpire within this internal realm.
    Despite our belief in observing the external world, the truth is that our perception unfolds within the visual cortex. This crucial center not only decides what we see but also forms the mental images and ideas we hold about the essence of things. It is a repository of memories where our visual experiences intertwine with information about objects, places, or living entities, creating a mental tapestry within the intricate web of the interconnected cognitive system that constitutes human memory.
    Human memory retains concrete objects more easily than abstract concepts. Therefore, visualizing information in various ways creates a more understandable and secure perception of reality. It does not strain the mind unnecessarily. What is defined feels safe.
    Developing a human visual ability contributes to making sense of experiences, understanding information, communicating with the environment and structuring oneself in a natural flow. It enables us to understand, harmonize with and creatively use the natural principles that govern the workings of the universe. It opens the doors of the art of vision for us to realize anything on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. 
    Mastery of visualization or creative imagery, rooted in our visual faculties, delineates a skill set that echoes throughout ancient spiritual doctrines and contemporary spiritual movements. Through the art of visualization, we manifest our imaginings into a tangible space, bridging the gap between the seen and the unseen. Imagination itself is a composite of the French words "image" and "magie." "Image" signifies the mental representation of an object, while "magie" embodies the concept of magic. This subjective phenomenon involves the formation of images within one's consciousness, wherein various influences materialize into mental visions, insights, or perceptions independently of the physical organ of sight—the eye. It is akin to a form of magic, where the ethereal realm takes shape within the realm of perception.

    Vision, much like our muscles, possesses the capacity for development. The mastery we attain over our visual abilities mirrors the control we exert over various situations in our daily lives—an intrinsic phenomenon continually unfolding in our routines, often without conscious acknowledgment. Whether we are cooking, showering, shopping, selecting attire, or driving, this unconscious aspect of vision operates seamlessly.
    Examining the creative processes of individuals involved in the arts sheds light on this concept. An artist, when engaging with their craft, interprets sensory perceptions, subjecting them to the discerning filter of the mind. They distill and abstract these perceptions, navigating through analysis and synthesis, ultimately arriving at a cohesive and meaningful creation. This artistic manifestation, recognized as a work of art, materializes first within the artist's internal realm, subsequently unveiling its external form—a tangible result of the creative process.
    This process parallels the creation of any project, from a meticulously prepared meal to a hand-knit sweater. We commence by envisioning it within our minds, and then we breathe life into it. Our thoughts, beliefs, desires, aspirations, purpose, and intentions intricately influence this transformative journey, shaping the manifestation of our ideas into tangible realities.

    Visualization is the art of wielding complete command over the intricate tapestry of the mental images we construct. It transcends a mere act; it is a deliberate practice of cultivated awareness. Through this refined awareness, we gain access to our energy body—a reservoir of vital life force. It becomes a means through which we decipher the trajectory and consequences of our existence, attaining a heightened awareness of life's struggles. This awareness, in turn, allows us to sculpt and tailor our experiences according to our needs.
    In the realm of visualization, we possess the ability to bring order to the chaotic tapestry of our perception in the world. It serves as a transformative journey, guiding us from the maze of tangled thoughts to the creation of a meaningful and simplified mental picture that aligns harmoniously with life.
    To visualize is to bear witness to existence itself—an intentional act that goes beyond mere observation. It empowers us to shape our reality, align our actions with our aspirations, and navigate the complexities of life with purpose and clarity.

Soul's Reflection in the Cosmos

  • From atoms to galaxies, the place of humankind in a universe where there is no room for coincidence is one of the most important questions that has been going on since the beginning of time.
    The humankind, which names, recognizes and defines the events that take place in this universe, the laws that are revealed, the laws that operate in a certain order, all the rules that work in synchronization with each other, has entered the Quantum Universe thanks to the need to learn how and what kind of journey it is actually on. It is possible for human to meet the most striking scientific answers ever discovered, as well as the truth they know within themselves but have not yet met.
    On the planet we live on, all living beings except humankind are in a natural state of becoming. They are in harmony with their genetic makeup and their own inner nature, and they are equally in harmony with all the conditions, laws and circumstances of external nature. The most important feature that distinguishes humankinds from them is thought, and as a result, the understanding of “human-centered universe” emerged.
    Understanding creation from the macro to the micro in a universe where the human mind, which defines, names, breaks, divides and then unites, puts itself at the center, is in reality nothing but an effort to understand human nature.
    The “Theory of Quantum Physics” which aims to explain the behaviour of atoms and sub-atomic particles in the micro-world, offers a brand-new paradigm, a broader universal view. It is this quantum perspective that forms the subject of this workshop, which enables human to move beyond their own mental limits to greater visions.
    To comprehend existence both from within and without, from the individual to the entirety, is to fathom the essence of our being. The profound enlightenment arises when we confront the boundaries of understanding and willingly surrender to the mysteries of the unknown.
    Quantum theory offers you a whole new paradigm, a broader view of the universe, enabling humankinds to move beyond their own mental limits to greater visions.
    As a result of the scientific relationship established between the part and the whole, it offers the opportunity for enlightenment through thinking and imagination.

Wisdom Embodied: Living a Wise Existence

  • Somatic therapies embody an approach that delves into the intricate interplay between the body and the mind. The term "somatic" originates from the Greek word "soma," signifying the body. These therapeutic modalities are harnessed to enhance individual bodily experiences, nurture emotional well-being, and foster mental health. Recognized as an effective tool, somatic therapies prove instrumental in addressing emotional and psychological disorders, mitigating stress, alleviating post-traumatic effects, bolstering self-esteem, and enhancing overall quality of life.
    Somatic therapies serve as a guide, enabling individuals to decipher the inner language of the body, recognize bodily sensations, and navigate the physiological aftermath of stress and trauma. They facilitate a profound connection with the body, unveiling the innate healing capacity that resides within.
    The body, our most vital structure on this earthly journey, serves as the conduit through which we engage with the world, perceive, and learn. However, crucial questions arise regarding how we relate to our bodies on our life journey. Can we authentically express ourselves as natural reflections of perfect creation without cultivating a genuine relationship with our bodies? Can we facilitate swift healing and realize the untapped potential that our bodies offer?
    It is imperative to understand that the body transcends being a mere external entity; it is an internal and emotional temple, a sacred shrine. Our bodies serve as homes—a shelter and a safe space where we settle, organize, cleanse, and recharge. "Our body should be our home."
    Regrettably, many of us lack full access to body perception; our awareness, concentration, and interest in the body often remain dormant. Living predominantly in our minds, thoughts, and plans, we neglect the body and its inner sensations. Proprioception, the sense of knowing where different parts of the body are positioned and how they move, dwindles. Our internal senses, allowing us to perceive from within, lose their effectiveness. This disconnection from our body deprives us of the wisdom within.
    True freedom, it becomes apparent, unfolds when we explore our inner world housed within our bodies. As we awaken our senses and deeply experience our inner world, discovering the richness our bodies offer, we understand ourselves better, value ourselves more, and tap into our inner strength.
    Through exploring our body's depth, perceiving our inner space, and settling into our bodies, we experience spontaneous natural health, inner strength, self-love, and self-compassion. The body provides the strength, acceptance, and confidence needed to transform thought patterns and live a quality life.
    To truly say "I have really lived," our instrument of life—the body—requires exploration and a profound understanding of our inner world. This involves communicating with and listening to the language of the body.
    A simple yet effective approach to achieving this connection is by not burdening our bodies with strenuous activities. Instead, it involves bringing awareness and concentration to the body. Engaging in gentle and enjoyable activities, perhaps accompanied by soft music, while focusing on the present moment allows us to connect with our bodies.
    Movement, much like existence, can be simple—washing dishes, cleaning, dancing, walking, or practicing yoga. The key is to create a space for conscious awareness within our bodies, allowing us to explore our tissues and inner layers.
    Rest and recharge breaks in life aren't about complete cessation but about providing the body with the movement breaks it craves. Before and after these conscious breaks, the transformative difference in oneself becomes immediately apparent.
    In essence, our body is our steadfast companion throughout every moment and facet of life. Understanding and exploring it better empowers us to live a more fulfilled life. Cultivating a healthy relationship with our bodies entails discovering our inner power and taking steps towards experiencing true freedom. This journey is a genuine step—a path to unraveling the richness of our inner world as we move and take conscious strides within ourselves.

Sound: Symphony of Balance

  • In the realm of modern physics, when we delve into the essence of matter, we find ourselves immersed in the dance of atoms, the fundamental building blocks of our material existence. These atoms, in their intricate composition, play host to electrons in perpetual motion, creating a symphony of vibrations. Indeed, every entity containing atoms resonates with a unique vibrational signature.
    The quantification of these vibrations, measured in Hertz (Hz), reveals the frequency—the number of occurrences within a unit of time. A single Hertz denotes an event recurring once per second, and within this rhythmic cadence lies the phenomenon of resonance—the harmonious synchronicity of matter in motion.
    Each substance possesses its own distinctive vibration, a silent melody that permeates its essence, whether audible to our ears or not. While the human auditory range captures sounds between 20 and 20,000 Hz, there exists a spectrum beyond our hearing capabilities—Infrasound below and Ultrasound above. Amidst this intricate tapestry of frequencies, the speech sound range, spanning 500-2000 Hz, weaves the fabric of communication.
    Within the realm of our consciousness, the mind serves as an interpretive instrument, receiving, processing, and organizing the electrical signals conveyed through our five senses. In this intricate dance with the world, sound emerges as the most abstract dimension for the mind to grapple with. Unlike the tangible shapes of visual experiences, sound transcends the boundaries of form, serving as a medium that propels the spirit beyond corporeal confines.
    Sound, in its essence, manifests as a periodic flux in pressure, a phenomenon discernible by the auditory organs of living organisms. The vibrating source, be it an object or an entity, sets the air molecules around it into motion, creating a ripple that extends in all directions. As atoms sway in resonance, this sonic wave, if of a perceivable frequency and sufficient intensity, reaches our ears through atmospheric pressure differentials. The ensuing cascade of vibrations, transmitted to the brain via nerves, allows us to perceive and experience the ethereal beauty of sound.

    In the intricate symphony of our being, the creation of sound within our bodies is a harmonious interplay of intentional rhythms. We orchestrate this melodic expression by skillfully modulating the vocal cords, allowing them to beat against each other in a dance choreographed by the outgoing breath. Simultaneously, we navigate the vibrational currents within our internal spaces— the abdominal cavity, chest cavity, and intracranial cavity— directing and managing the resonance that emanates from these corporeal echoes.
    As we breathe in the essence of life, the ear becomes a vigilant sentinel, sensing the subtle pressure differences both within and outside. It translates these nuanced variations into data, a sensory offering to the discerning brain. Understanding this unique process unveils the profound potential of sound not only as an artistic expression but also as a transformative force capable of maintaining health and balance across the physical, emotional, and intellectual dimensions of our existence.
    The autonomic nervous system, the custodian of our internal equilibrium, unfolds in two intricate forms—the sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic system, akin to a sentinel on high alert, commands the body to fight or flee in the face of life-threatening challenges. In contrast, the parasympathetic system directs regeneration, rest, and immune responses, initiating repair once the threat has dissipated. At the heart of this regulatory dance is the Vagus nerve, extending from the cranial realms to enfold the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs. Sound, with its rhythmic cadence, becomes a conduit to influence the Vagus nerve, activating the calming embrace of the parasympathetic nervous system alongside diaphragmatic breathing.
    In the realm of sound's influence on the tangible, the research of Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto illuminates the transformative power of sounds, words, and rhythms. Through meticulous experiments, he has demonstrated how compassionate words, expressions of love, wisdom, and soul-enriching music weave intricate and harmonious crystal structures in water, akin to the symmetry found in snowflakes. Conversely, dissonant words and discordant melodies yield scattered and irregular formations.
    Every resonant vibration, a potent and concealed force, finds its discoverer—a soul attuned to its frequencies, much like a receiver tuning into cosmic radio waves. Mantras, the repetitive chants in Sanskrit, prayers, dhikrs, and the melodic strains of ancient knowledge influence the rhythmic waves of the mind. Beta brain waves, crucial for daytime productivity, can spiral into anxiety and stress if repeated incessantly. However, the deliberate use of mantras, prayers, and musical expressions can usher the mind into the realms of Alpha and Theta frequencies, fostering relaxation, deep meditation, intense learning, and creativity.
    In the vast tapestry of existence, external forces such as wind, light, heat, and cosmic energies exert their influence. Yet, the sound encapsulated within prayers, mantras, and sacred words serves as a key to unlock cosmic forces. These abstract forces find tangible existence through the concreteness of sound. Repetition, a sacred echo through time, imparts a unique potency to these expressions—offering a profound journey into layers of consciousness, from the surface of awareness to the depths of memory, all guided by intentional focus and mindfulness.

    Sound, when combined with consciousness, has the power to change all reality. For practitioners following the path of the Inner Doctrines, sound and music are the most essential of spiritual development. Those who seek to find the truth can understand the formless nature of the soul only through formless sound and music.

Online Meetups

Liberation from Suffering: Path to Freedom

  • Buddhism, a profound philosophy originating in India, finds its essence in the awakened consciousness embodied by Siddharta Gautama Buddha, the founder of this transformative path. The term 'Buddha' itself denotes an individual who has attained enlightenment, a state of profound awareness.
    Central to Buddhist teachings is the concept of Nirvana, the liberation from Samsara—the ceaseless cycle of birth, life, and death characterized by suffering. Recognizing the pervasive nature of suffering in the world, Buddha dedicated his life to alleviating this universal human condition, offering a pathway to understand our true, authentic nature.
    Suffering, in its myriad forms, pervades human existence—manifesting as stress, fear, anxiety, depression, and various emotional afflictions. Even amidst seemingly idyllic lives, the inevitability of death remains an undeniable truth. Yet, through embracing life's challenges with equanimity, we cultivate a deeper, more authentic connection to reality, transcending blind attachment.
    The essence of Buddha resides within each of us, manifesting in moments of mindful awareness. Through diligent practice—be it mindful breathing, walking, or daily activities—we nurture the seeds of awakening within ourselves. In encountering the Buddha's teachings and undertaking the path of practice, we not only heal our own suffering and habitual patterns but also those inherited from our ancestors. With each mindful moment, we forge new habits, gradually transforming our inner landscape.
    By delving deeply into our lived experiences and expanding our awareness beyond transient states of body, emotions, and mind, we begin to recognize our interconnectedness with a vast, ineffable reality. This awakened consciousness serves as a bridge to the Buddha within, guiding us towards profound healing and liberation from suffering.

Timeless Tantra Insight

  • The Tantra Doctrine says “everything is sacred”. In this sacred paradigm, the body is revered as a temple, containing the boundless potential of bidirectional masculine and feminine energies. Within its sanctified vessel lies the dormant spark of cosmic essence, transcending notions of duality.
    This awakened essential potential illuminates the inner realms with a fire that grows bigger and stronger.
    Observing our masculine-feminine bidirectional energetic nature guides with its light to reveal conscious and subconscious records.

    During transformative workshops, potent techniques are employed to address imbalances within our being, addressing issues related to sexual energy, nervous system disruptions, perceptual distortions, and mental discord. Through these practices, profound healings unfold, catalyzing profound shifts in our consciousness and well-being.
    The blessing that emerges with re-established inner harmony and harmony evolves us towards our true potential, super consciousness, illumination, carrying us into a state of fulfillment, pleasure and wholeness.

Spiritualism: From Knowledge to Truth

  • Spiritüalizm, insanlığın gelişiminde çok derin kökleri olsa da hakikati çok da kavranmadığında inanıştan öteye geçmeyen bir yeni çağ öğretisi olarak karşımıza sıklıkla çıkıyor. Bununla birlikte bu öğreti içinden hakikate açılamamak da kişiyi bilgide takılı hale getirebiliyor. Oysa ki hakikatiyle kavrandığında spiritüelliğin arka planında muazzam bir akış ve işleyiş yatmaktadır.

    Bu eğitim kendinizi keşif yolculuğunuz ile sizleri tanıştıran ve Öz’e Eim hakikatine açılmanız için altyapı oluşturacak temel bir ilk adımdır.

Yoga: An Ancient Guide to Wholeness

  • The ancient Yoga Doctrine is a profound journey of harmonizing the body with the wisdom of the soul, achieved through the direct and indirect refinement of the mind
    It offers a path of profound awareness, restoration, and holistic well-being, drawing from a rich tapestry of concentration, meditation, observation, physical practices, and Pranayama techniques to enhance the vital life force.

    Rooted in its philosophical depth, Yoga illuminates the intricate cycles of human existence, unveiling the latent shadows within, symbolized by archetypes. It beckons forth a heightened consciousness and mindfulness, awakening an acute awareness of karma, where the consequences of our actions unfold, whether bitter or sweet.
    At its core, Yoga embodies the holistic nature of bodily health, transcending the physical to encompass the spiritual, sensory, emotional, and mental realms. It reveals that clarity and lucidity of the mind unveil our true authenticity, unlocking the latent potential of the soul through the alignment of all aspects of being.
    Yoga's ultimate aim is to forge a harmonious union between matter and meaning, fostering a bidirectional existence that merges the horizontal plane of human life with the vertical ascent of consciousness. It beckons humanity towards the wisdom of the soul, towards the sublime experience of samadhi—the pinnacle of bliss and enlightenment.

The Art of the Shamanic Vision

  • The ancient Shamanic heritage, with all its practices, offers a way to learn fundamental truths about our world Unlike a mere belief system, it stands as a path to the enlightenment of truth. Within its sacred teachings lie potent formulas that unveil the intricate order and timeless principles governing the universe.
    In accordance with Shamanic Doctrine, the universe adheres to its inherent natural laws. Acquaintance with these laws, to which we are inherently bound, grants us insight into the purpose behind our existence.
    In the shamanic perspective, everything within the cosmos is composed of energy. Whether it be the physical body, emotions, thoughts, or the spirit, each aspect exists as varying forms and levels of this universal energy. However, throughout the vast expanse of the universe, these energies become fragmented and dispersed. The primary objective of shamanism is thus to facilitate the reunification of these fragmented aspects, to retrieve lost soul fragments, and ultimately, to restore wholeness to the individual and the cosmos as a whole.

    For the shaman, true life resides within the depths of the inner realms. It is here that we conceive our realities, which we then experience externally, despite appearances suggesting otherwise. In this paradigm, thought precedes action, and imagination precedes reality. Dreams materialize into tangible experiences, transcending the constraints of linear time. Indeed, the ultimate reality is timeless, and the notion of linear time—a beginning and an end—is but an illusion of the mind. Within this ever-changing tapestry of existence, the shaman emerges as a conduit for transformative change, bridging the timeless realm with the temporal world to shape reality itself.
    In this cosmic journey, the purpose of life lies not in reaching a final destination but in embracing the ongoing exploration of existence. Humans are akin to pioneering explorers, traversing the boundless expanse of reality, continuously discovering and evolving along the way.
    The shaman embodies the essence of a visionary, understanding that our thoughts and intentions wield profound influence over the experiences that manifest within the fabric of reality. The shamanic perspective emphasizes the significance of how we envision the world through our imagination. Through this sacred practice, individuals are guided to craft and shape their own lives, harnessing the power of intention to manifest their deepest desires and aspirations.

Sufism: The Sun Rising Within

  • Humankind is intrinsically created in the most beautiful way. But they also have weaknesses. Humankind emerged from the combination of the sublime and the profane realms, and due to its equal degree of belonging to these two realms, it has been alienated from the other by entering into identity confusion and inclining towards one of them.
    It should be the aim of life to be conscious of oneself and to train the self (consciousness) in each and every characteristic and carry it to the highest level.
    Sufism, as a sacred discipline, provides a spiritual framework and practices to tame the self and ego. It serves as a guiding beacon, illuminating the path to understanding life, interpreting its mysteries, and attaining ultimate truth.
    Sufism, a realm where the essence of Islam intertwines with celestial wisdom from diverse spiritual paths, emerged alongside religion itself, yet its refinement unfolded gradually over time. Evolving into an autonomous discipline akin to the sacred sciences, it embodies the quest for inner illumination and divine union
    Sufism unveils itself as a profound odyssey inward, guiding us towards the sacred act of shedding the illusion of selfhood and relinquishing personal agendas and desires. Mastery over the self stands as an indispensable precursor to this journey. Central to this endeavor is an unwavering faith coupled with a boundless love for the divine. Sufism transcends mere description, existing as a state of existence beyond words. Yet, if we were to encapsulate its essence, it resides in the realms of serenity (Safa) and devotion. Serenity (Safa) embodies clarity and purity, devoid of any turbidity or impurity.
    Loyalty (Vefa) means devotion, loyalty.
    Pleasure is clarity, and loyalty is a promise to achieve that clarity.
    The promise is to realize ourselves, to reach the level of Perfection, to watch both ourselves and the relationships we establish in this world of existence from the highest degree of maturity.
    Sufism has been born to fulfill this promise.


Nasıl Desteklenmek İstersiniz?

How would you prefer to receive support?

The emergence of recurrent problems and even illnesses on your spiritual journey, just as you approach the threshold of spiritual mastery and self-awareness through others' perspectives, often stems from ..More

Ruh, Beden ve Zihin: İnsanın Bütünsel Varoluşu

Spirit, Body and Mind: The Holistic Existence of Man

Human existence is shaped by the complex interactions between spirit, body and mind. The triad of spirit, body and mind are fundamental elements that help us understand the holistic nature of the human. The bala ..More

Meditasyon: Zihni Dinginleştirmek ve Stresi Azaltmak İçin Etkili Bir Yöntem

Meditation: An Effective Method to Calm the Mind and Reduce Stress

Meditation is a mind and body practice that has been practiced for thousands of years and is gaining popularity today. Meditation has deep roots in many cultures and belief systems. Meditation has an important p ..More

İçsel Kaynaklarımızı Keşfetmek

Discovering Our Inner Resources

Human possess more than the sum of all the resources of the earth. The human is an equity capital in itself by virtue of its very existence. 
Unaware of its own resources, it turns to the r ..More

Kabakum District, Islamlar Village, Lavanta Street, No:17 Dikili / İzmir